Rethink Your Drink
Interesting enough, 60% of your entire body is made up of water, and even more so, the brain and heart are composed of 73% water. So, it’s pretty *crystal clear* that staying hydrated is a big deal.

Some smart ways to ensure you are staying hydrated is to make small goals for yourself throughout the day. For example, you can set a goal to have 50 oz of water consumed by noon. Or, you can say you want to drink at least 5 of the 16 oz water bottles a day and make a tally on your bottle every time you go to fill it up (save plastic and reuse the bottle). If you feel thirst, chances are you are already on the path to becoming dehydrated, so make sure you stay sipping water throughout the day.
Some other practical ways to increase fluids could be eating foods high in water content (berries, watermelon, smoothies, and soups), drinking through a straw instead of sipping, and breaking up the bland taste (lemon, tea, sparkling water, and no caffeine crystal light).
How do you know how much to drink? It is believed that one should drink an ounce of water for every pound they weigh. If you are an athlete, your fluid needs will be even higher than the average person. According to the National Athletic Trainers' Association, most athletes should consume an additional 30 oz of water 2 hours before an event/training session. After exercise, it is recommended that athletes consume fluids containing carbohydrates and electrolytes to help the body absorb water more readily and replenish depleted glycogen stores for optimal recovery.
FUN FACT: the best post-workout recovery drink for rehydrating/recovery is low fat milk/chocolate milk. Surprisingly, milk is an even better option than most commercial sports drinks. The electrolyte content in milk is the same as the electrolyte balance found in the body, which is just one out of many perks that makes the beverage a fantastic recovery snack!